Society Brands, Inc.


Business Consulting


Society Brands embraces the entrepreneur and provides them with a network of support and a rich pool of industry-leading resources to help them take their brands to the next level and create real value for a great exit. Society Brands is building a community of entrepreneurs and ecommerce brands that can help one another reach new heights. As a tech-enabled consumer products company, we are building a global growth platform, acquiring ecommerce brands and evolving them into household brands. Society Brands was built by founders, for founders™. With this in mind, we created what we call our E2 Strategy. We pay considerable cash at closing with the additional consideration awarded as rollover equity into Society Brands. This allows you to enjoy a large upside with the rest of our founders when we eventually IPO or sell the company. By getting in early, the second exit you realize via Society Brands should be significantly bigger than the first! As a result, we are confident you will receive a much larger total multiple at Society Brands than you’ll get anywhere else.  

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